Invasion Day
Foreshore Session
January 25th, 4pm-5:30pm at the Blue Cabin
(Aquabus Ferry Dock at Plaza of Nations, 750 Pacific Boulevard, Vancouver)
Other Sights in collaboration with the Blue Cabin present Invasion Day, a Foreshore Session. Featuring performances by Christie Lee Charles, Senaqwila Wyss, and Jeneen Frei Njootli.
Invasion Day: Foreshore Session is the first of a multi-part 2020 Foreshore Series in which Other Sights will extend the conversation of The Future is Floating: an on the water artist exchange happening in Sydney Australia from January 13th – January 26th.
In an act of solidarity with Indigenous people and artists in Australia, the artists performing on January 25th (January 26th in Australia) will present songs and poems of our two continents for the land and water of False Creek. All will be performed outside on the lower deck of the floating residency platform at the Blue Cabin. The sound will project out over the water and across the creek. The sounds and songs recorded from these performances will be rebroadcast at sunrise for a period of seven days in honour of seven future generations.
(Jan 25, 28 & 30, Feb 1, 4, 7, 10 & 13)
Special thanks to Kamala Todd for working with Other Sights on the planning of this Foreshore Session with Jen Weih.
Australian Bushfires
The artists and Other Sights would like to extend an invitation for donations to wildfire relief in Australia. The ongoing tragedies across the country prompt reflection on the relationship between colonialism, capitalism, environmental degradation, and global warming.
Other Sights and several participating Foreshore artists have been working with many peers, collaborators and relations in Australia. Our organization’s relationship with Australia has been ongoing over the past four years as we developed The Future is Floating, a project which is currently underway in Sydney. The Invasion Foreshore Session is an opportunity to not only stand in solidarity with Indigenous people but to also support wildfire relief for local Indigenous communities in need. Special merchandise will be available for purchase and refreshments will be served in the Blue Cabin where visitors can warm up between sets. All proceeds from sales will go to the following organisations:
Fire Relief Fund for First Nations Communities
First Nations Fire Knowledge Land Lore