Other Sights, Sydney Festival and participating exchange residency artists of the future is floating invite you to enjoy a series of experiential, fully immersive evenings aboard Tribal Warrior's vessel, the Mari Nawi.
The Floating Sessions will feature experimental soundscapes, animated discussions, presentations and performances, all whilst exploring Sydney Harbour and sampling Indigenous-inspired bush tucker.
the future is floating - Floating Session I
January 22nd, 6-9pm
Featuring Venessa Possum, Jen Rae, Claire G. Coleman, Syrus Ware, and Holly Schmidt.
Book your tickets here.
Pacific - Floating Session II
January 24th, 6-9pm
Featuring Cease Wyss, Latai Taumoepeau, Salote Tawale, and Cindy Mochizuki
Book your tickets here.
Transmission - Floating Session III
January 25th, 2-5pm
Featuring Cheryl L'Hirondelle, Jeneen Frei Njootli, James Nguyen, and Keg De Souza.
Book your tickets here.

Image: Portage: Flotilla (2019). Sound design by Marco Cher-Gibard. Arts House for REFUGE: Displacement. Photo: Bryony Jackson
#tribalwarrioraboriginalcorp #othersightsforartistsprojects #sydfest2020 #floatingartistexchange #jeneenfreinjootli #cindymochizuki #cheryllhirondelle #mariannenicolson #syrusmarcusware #hollyschmidt #ceasewyss #kegdesouza #jamesnguyen #salotetawale #lataitaumoepeau #megancope #leannetobin #clairegcoleman #jenrae #venessapossum